Mind Garden Workshop

Program Overview
To broaden your horizon on your Mind Garden and understand the power of your Mind. Whatever your mind can Conceive and Believe, the mind can Achieve. This workshop will stimulate you to discover yourself, your mind and your thoughts. It will also aid you to cultivate daily habits that will bring forth gratification and happiness.

Workshop Content
You Are Unique
You are unique and special, created to fulfill a unique assignment that no one else can. It is your special mission.

Thoughts Are Things
Direct your thoughts along the direction of your planned achievement. You can chart the course of your destiny

Your Miracle Mind
You decide what thoughts will be planted in your mind as seeds by what you think. You cannot reap positive results with negative thoughts!

Your Mind Garden
You have absolute power to choose what type of life you want and to have it immediately merely by changing your thoughts and planting the rights seeds in your Mind Garden

Your Rights to Riches
When positive thoughts dominate your mind, you will begin to manifest more and more each day with the 12 Riches of Life mentioned earlier.

Your Treasure Map to Riches
Work achievement and motivation are the golden threads of life. Motivating yourself is your obligation and responsibility for success and should not be left unattended.

1 day workshop (8 hours/day)
Target Group
Corporate and Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Managers, Supervisors, Executives, Secretary

Training Fee
Contact us for training fee for individual/corporate program.

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